Home Biodigester - Junior and Senior

Junior Model 3.1 Litre Capacity, Home Biodigester, Counter top
Senior Model 5 Litre Capacity, Home Biodigester, Counter top

Biodigesters break down organic waste, converting it into valuable resource a nutrient-rich soil additive (Ecosoil+) while reducing its volume by 80% +.

Our Senior and Junior Models are the ideal addition to your kitchen. Using the Home Biodigester to recycle your food waste has a number of benefits.

  • Reduce your food waste volume by up to 80%
  • Reduce waste going to landfill which in turn
  • Reduces harmful methane released from rotting food, less rotting food means fewer rodents and pests like flies in warmer weather.
  • Reduce your carbon footprint
  • Your kitchen bin will be cleaner and less smelly!
You’ll be part of the circular economy and you will be producing your own soil additive (ecosoil+) for healthier plants and gardens. contributing to a sustainable environment.
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