Case Study Installation of an Ecobia Aerobic Biodigester in a Pub/Restaurant

Case Study: Installation of an Ecobia Aerobic Biodigester in a Pub/Restaurant

Project Title:
Installation of an Ecobia Aerobic Biodigester at The Laurels Public House.

The Laurels Perrystown,
186 Whitehall Road West, Perrystown,
Dublin 12

May 2024

Project Overview:
The Laurels, a popular dining establishment committed to sustainability, sought an innovative solution to manage their food waste effectively. Ecobia Ltd installed an HB0050 Biodigester to transform food waste into an environmentally friendly enhanced compost.


  1. Waste Reduction:
    Reduce the volume of food waste sent to landfill.
  2. Cost Savings:
    Lower waste disposal costs and reduce utility expenses.
  3. Sustainability:
    Enhance the restaurant’s green credentials and support their commitment to environmental responsibility.

Solution Provided

Product Installed:
HB0050 Aerobic Biodigester

Installation Date:
May 2024

The Laurels kitchen waste management area.

The HB0050 Biodigester processes up to 50 kg of food waste per day.

The biodigester uses aerobic digestion, leveraging microorganisms to break down food waste rapidly and reduce input to approximately 15% of the initial mass (kg)

Installation Process

  1. Site Assessment:

A thorough site assessment was conducted to determine the optimal location for the biodigester, considering factors like waste generation points, space availability, and utility connections.

  1. Customisation:

The biodigester was customised with specific settings to handle the type and volume of waste generated by The Laurels.

  1. Installation:
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Team: 2 technicians from Ecobia Ltd
  • Steps:
    • Delivery and positioning of the biodigester unit.
    • Connection to electrical supply.
    • Venting
    • Priming
    • Testing and calibration.
  1. Training:

Staff training sessions were conducted to ensure proper operation and maintenance of the biodigester. Ecobia Technicians operated the site for the first 5 days ensuring correct and efficient operation. This helps to build a relationship with our customers and ensures the correct procedures are embedded with the staff responsible for running the Ecobia unit. 

One of our technicians also called onsite the following week to check everything was working as planned.


  1. Waste Reduction:

The Laurels achieved a 90%+ reduction in the volume of food waste sent to landfill within the first month of operation.

An unexpected result was also the decrease in weight of their general waste bins. With the focus on our unit there was no food waste ‘inadvertently’ ending up in the general waste bin.

  1. Cost Savings:
    • Food Waste Disposal Costs: Reduced by 90%+
  • General Waste: Reduction in bin weight + cost reduction
  1. Sustainability Impact:
  • Carbon Footprint: Decreased due to reduced waste transportation and decomposition emissions. 
  • 13.69 Tonnes of Co2e were saved by diverting the food waste from landfill.
  • Public Image: Enhanced reputation as a sustainable and environmentally conscious establishment.
  1. Operational Efficiency:
  • Improved kitchen workflow with the seamless integration of the biodigester into daily operations.
  • Rear bin area has been tidier
  • Less waste vehicles arriving for collection

Customer Feedback

“Installing the HB0050 Biodigester has significantly improved our waste management practices. Not only have we reduced our environmental impact, but we’ve also cut down on costs. Our staff found the training very helpful, and the biodigester has integrated smoothly into our kitchen operations. We’re proud to be leading the way in sustainability within the pub and restaurant industry.”
— Tommy Hughes, Owner of The Laurels


The installation of the HB0050 Aerobic Biodigester at The Laurels successfully met the project objectives, delivering substantial waste reduction, cost savings and enhanced sustainability. Ecobia Ltd’s comprehensive solution, from site assessment to staff training, ensured a smooth and effective implementation.

Contact Information:

For more information on how Ecobia Ltd can help your business achieve its sustainability goals, please contact us:

Ecobia Ltd
250 Blanchardstown Corporate Park
Dublin 15
Phone: 01 5241142
Email: [email protected]

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